How to set up a Heating "SCHEDULE" or "TIMER" in the app?

The Link Plus app can be used to control Lightwave thermostats, TRVs and electric switches on-demand, but also using automations. This can be useful if you would like the heating to be following a schedule throughout the week at certain times of the day. Here, we will be showing you some ways this can be achieved.

Using the 'Schedule' automation to control Lightwave heating devices

A major benefit of the schedule automation, is that you can save lots of time adding individual timers. It works great for any devices that you would normally create more than one timer for. It works in the same way a timer does (requiring a set time and an action), but it enables you to see each action at different times, all in one place. The example below shows you how to do this for a thermostat to control the heating throughout the week.


1. Select the green '+' icon at the bottom of your screen and choose the 'Automation' icon. 



2. Select 'Schedule'.



3. Select a device that you would like to create a schedule for. Here, we are choosing the thermostat.



4. When the device is selected, the app will ask what function you would like that device to perform. Some device have multiple functions - in this case we will be choosing 'Target' as the state of our thermostat will always be on. Hit 'Done' when all actions are ticked.



5. The '1' indicated next to the device shows us that we have chosen one action from that device. Hit 'Next' to continue.



6. From this screen we can see all the different days of the week. If preferred, you can choose individual days by selecting the letter in the circle that corresponds to that day. When the circle is filled in with green, the app is showing all events under that day. Select the 'Add Event' tile when the desired day is selected.



7. An event could be considered like a schedule block, such as morning or evening. Selecting 'Set Start Time' will allow you to set the time at which you event should start.



8. Select either the 'Time', 'Dusk' or 'Dawn' option. Tapping on the 'Time' tile will give you the option to scroll through and select your time. If you would like 'Dawn' or 'Dusk', these can be chosen instead, but you can also set a time before/after dusk/dawn to suit your needs. Here we have chosen 30 minutes after dawn. Hit 'Set' and then 'Done' when finished here.



9. The start time has been added and now the target temperature needs to be changed from the default of 10 degrees. Tap on 'Set Target to' to change this.



10. Drag the orange bar up and down or use the '+' and '-' to adjust. Select 'Save' in the top right to proceed.



11. Select 'Set End Time' to choose a time that you would like the heating to turn down.



12. Select either the 'Time', 'Dusk' or 'Dawn' option again. Here we have chosen 'Time' as we would like to set a specific time for our heating to turn off. Hit 'Confirm' when scrolled through to your desired time, followed by 'Done' in the top right.



13. The target temperature for our end time is already at 10 degrees, but you can change this the same way by tapping on 'Set Target to' on the tile to the right. Select 'Done' to finish creating this event.



14. Now our morning event is made, we shall add the evening schedule block next. Same as before, select 'Add Event'.



15. Either 'Time', 'Dawn' or 'Dusk' can be chosen but for this example, we want the heating come on at exactly dusk. Select 'Done' in the top right when you have chosen your second event start time.



16. Select 'Set Target to' on the left side to adjust the start time target temperature for this event.



17. Drag the orange bar up and down or use the '+' and '-' to adjust. Select 'Save' in the top right to proceed.



18. Select 'Set End Time' to choose a time that the event should end.



19. Choose your end time and tap 'Confirm' and then 'Done'. As this is our heating schedule, we will be having 22:00 as the time when the heating turns down.



20. Like before, select 'Set Target to' on the right side tile to adjust the target temperature.



21. Choose a desired target temperature. As in this example, this event is going to be the last one in the day so what we set here is going to determine the target temperature of the thermostat throughout the night and until the target is changed by the user, or when the next event comes (following morning). Hit 'Save' when finished.



22. Ensure the event looks ok and select 'Done' to complete the event setup.



23. We can see both of the events we have made. More can be added but these would need to be earlier in the day. If you would like the schedule on this day to be the same as others, selecting 'Copy Events' will allow you to copy the event to other days in the week. If other days vary then you can add an event to that day if required.



24. Select all days that you would like this event to run on by switching the tab to green on the corresponding day. Tap 'Done' to finish and return to the event summary screen.



25. By going into each day, you will see that the events that you have just made are also in the other days. This can help by saving lots of time. Select 'Next' when finished adding events.



26. Provide a name for the schedule you have just created. If you would like this schedule to be applied to other devices on your app, you can switch the tab to green next to them. Be aware that only devices that use the same actions will appear. If we were looking to apply this to TRVs as well, if we had TRVs on the app, they would appear. Likewise if the schedule was for power devices, we would have the option to apply the same schedule to other power devices as they have the same functions (on/off/lock).

Select 'Done' to finish creating your schedule.



Using 'Timers' to control Lightwave heating devices

Timers can be used for all Lightwave devices that are on the app. They simply require a time to be set and a number of actions that will run at that set time. There is also the ability to exclude days of the week if preferred. The example below will show you how to create a single timer for a thermostat.


1. Select the green '+' icon at the bottom of your screen and choose the 'Automation' icon. 



2. Select 'Timers'.



3. Select the tile named 'Time is' to change the default time to what you would like.



4. Select either the 'Time', 'Dusk' or 'Dawn' option. Here we have chosen 'Time' as we would like to set a specific time for our heating to be on. Hit 'Confirm' when scrolled through to your desired time, followed by 'Done' in the top right.



5. Select the 'Add Action' tile to choose what you would like to happen at your chosen time.



6. Tap on the room bar to collapse the devices within it and select the device/s that you would like to automate. If you are making a timer to control more than one device, you are able to choose a second one after the next step.



7. After selecting a device, the app will ask what function you would like that device to perform. Some device have multiple functions - in this case we will be choosing 'Target' as the state of our thermostat will always be on. Hit 'Done' when all actions are ticked.



8. The '1' indicated next to the device shows us that we have chosen one action from that device. This is all we need to do for this timer however if adding more devices, they can be selected in the same way. Hit 'Done' in the top right when finished choosing actions.



9. Now we have chosen a time and an action, but the action has a default target temperature of 10 degrees that we would like to change. Tap on the tile named 'Set target to' to change this.



10. Drag the orange bar up and down or use the '+' and '-' to adjust. Select 'Save' in the top right to proceed.



11. Further actions can be added by selecting the 'Add Action' tile. If you would like to remove an action, hold on the tile and select 'Remove'. If you would like to delay the action to start after a set period of time, selecting 'Add' next to the action will allow you to choose a specific duration (hours, minutes and seconds). When enabled, the delay will postpone the action after the timer runs.

For this thermostat, we only want it to run in the weekdays. Selecting the 'Day of week' tile will allow you to choose certain days which it will run.



12. Tick the days that you would like the timer to run (for example weekdays or weekends only). Hit 'Done' when finished.



13. After selecting 'Next' on the overview page, the app will ask you to provide a name for the timer. Select 'Done' to finish making this timer.

Further timers would be required if you would like the heating to target a different temperature at a different time. Alternatively, consider using the 'Schedule' option to save time (see below).




Here we have given you a couple of ways that you can automate heating with Lightwave. The same process applies to other devices, the only difference is the action/function of the device will differ.

Be sure to check out other app guides for the Link Plus as these may be useful. If you do require any further support that is not in our Help and Support section, get in touch via phone, chat or by submitting a support ticket.