How to create a Room and Zone on the LinkPlus app

When a device is added to the app it must be included in a room. A room is just where your devices are located, and the devices can be organised into different rooms depending on your preference. Rooms are then arranged into zones within the app. Examples are below

Creating a Room

To add a room to the app you need to press the plus button at the bottom of the page.1-1


Once you have selected the plus button it will bring up these three options and select rooms to add a new one.2-1


It will then bring up a new page which will allow you to name the room and select which zone you would like it to appear in. In the image below you can see the room has been named Bathroom and is going to be added into the Upstairs zone. Add Room will then need to be selected.3-2


As you can see the new room has been created and is included within the Upstairs zone amongst the other rooms that had already been made.4-1


Editing a Room

Once a room is created it can have its name changed or it can be deleted if it is no longer needed. To edit a room, you first need to go into it by selecting it from the rooms page.5-1


Press the edit icon in the top right of the screen, this can be seen in the image below.6-1


Here you can either change the name of the room or move it into another zone, for your changes to be accepted press save towards the bottom of the page. The room can also be deleted if it is no longer needed. In this example below the name has been changed from Hall to Hallway.7-1


The name has now been changed as you can see below.8-1


Creating a Zone

To create a zone, you must first go to the rooms page and then select the button in the top left of the screen, this is marked below.9-1


Then select Add Zone to create a new zone for your app.10-1


The zone name can then be entered in the space provided, as you can see below this zone has been named Garden. Then press Add Zone to create it.11


The new Garden zone has been created so rooms and devices can be added to it.12


Editing a Zone

To edit a zone, you need to press the button in the top left of the screen. This will then allow you to delete a zone, re-order zone and change the name of them.13


This page will then show up and allows you to move your zones into a different order by holding down on the icon next to each one and dragging it up or down. Also, you can edit the name of the zone by pressing on the name of one of them.14


Once you have selected a zone you can change the name and you can change the order of the rooms as well. The rooms can then be reordered in the same way the zones would of been reordered. The zone can also be deleted by pressing the delete button. Once your changes have been made, press the save icon at the bottom of the screen.15


Below you can see the changes that have been made to the zone names.16




* When an account is first setup on the app one Zone called “Default Zone” and one Room called “Default Room” will exist. These can be edited.

* To delete a room all devices must be removed first.

* To delete a zone all rooms must be removed first.

* Screenshots were taken on an android device, some icons may appear differently on iOS.