How to Calibrate Smart Dimmers

Once the dimmer has been installed, lamps added to the circuit and the power switched on, it will enter calibration mode. This mode calculates the appropriate setting and dimming range to maximise compatibility with the lamps being used on the circuit.

Automatic Calibration

If the dimmer has not previously been calibrated, it will automatically calibrate itself to the lamps detected on the circuit after 5 seconds. If the dimmer has been calibrated previously, these settings will be restored unless the on button is pressed within 5 seconds to overwrite them with a new calibration (recommended if lamps are changed). Auto calibration is denoted by flashing green LEDs.

Manual Calibration via the App 

Manual calibrations are typically utilised when you need to manually adjust the dimming range, address any instability at the high or low end of the dimming range, or set the dimmer for lamps that may not be fully compatible.

For example, if LED bulbs work well but flicker slightly at 100%, you can perform manual calibration through the app. Adjust the dimming range to suit your needs, such as setting the minimum at 0% and the maximum at 80%.

The video below highlights how this can be done from the app 

Manual Calibration via the Dimmer Buttons 

Manual calibration should be used in the event of persistent lamp flicker or instability. By pressing the off button within 5 seconds of introducing power to the dimmer, it will initiate manual calibration. This is initially denoted by flashing green and red LEDs. Pressing the on and off buttons now will extend or shorten the lower dimming limit. Pressing both buttons together will save the setting. Next, flashing green and blue LEDs denote that pressing the on and off buttons will now alter the upper limit. Press both buttons to save this setting.